Stupid Never Stops

The problem with stupid is its relentlessness. It just goes on and on. And on.

Smart is its own worst enemy, thinking itself to exhaustion, especially how to explain to stupid, which never works.

Stupid hates smart for being smart. It will not stop for anything, even survival, to be heard. There’s hope you say? Based on what? Stupid has always won.

Governing Those Who Hate

Apparently, 73 million people voted for Trump. We know that the 1%ers are a big part of that, given their insidious lust for money, but that still leaves 68 million hateful ignorami in our midst. Fear and ignorance drive this horde, denying rights and freedoms to anyone with a different way of life.

For those who think that we all just have to sit down and talk, I encourage you to read Wajahat Ali’s Reach Out to Trump Supporter. That should cure you of that delusion.

To understand these people, one only has to paraphrase David Attenborough’s forward to Cameron’s To the Furthest Ends of the Earth on the nature of explorers: Trump supporters (explorers) are not, perhaps, the most promising people with whom to build a society. Some might say that these people become Trump supporters precisely because they have a streak of unsociability and need to remove themselves at regular intervals as far as possible from their fellow man. In other words, these people tend to be self-centered jerks.

And so what do we do with these hate-filled loons? The knowledge is there and they won’t read it. Instead they call it fake and lies. They will not listen. This is not a case of separate bubbles of perception. This is a hateful, ignorant group who will not engage. Time could work, if not for this collapsing world. Our chances are becoming nil to zero. Could they be given a time out or something? Maybe we could come back to them in a year?

And for those who think that we all just have to sit down and talk, I encourage you to read Wajahat Ali’s Reach Out to Trump Supporter. That should cure you of that delusion.