New Orleans’ Ninth Ward: Nine Years After Hurricane Katrina

Images of the Ninth Ward in New Orleans dominated the news after Hurricane Katrina hit in September 2005. hurricane katrina ninth wardKatrina detritusMany people fled the area and never came back and it was feared that the Ninth Ward might become an abandoned neighborhood.

Ninth Ward, New Orleans, January 2015

Ninth Ward, New Orleans, January 2015

The area no longer is awash in detritus, although the jungle of tall grass and debris remain.

Ninth Ward, New Orleans, January 2015

Ninth Ward, New Orleans, January 2015

Ninth Ward, New Orleans20150124_122518There are signs of a renewal, and not just in the much-publicized Make it Right enclave where prominent architects and builders helpedĀ rebuild on Brad Pitt’s investment.

New houses in New Orleans Ninth Ward

Make it Right homes in New Orleans Ninth Ward

20150124_121507The construction at Martin Luther King Charter School nears completion. 20150124_120102As does the work at the Andrew Sanchez Community Center. 20150124_123127Once these open, the hope is people will really begin to return, the roads be fixed and the empty lots transformed. 20150124_122524And come the next hurricane, the new retaining wall just might hold.20150124_123915