The Final Image

I have come to the end of the third draft of my novel, My Bad Side. I’m happy with it, I suppose, but the ending is still not complete. It’s an important aspect, a frozen final moment for the reader. It needs to have substance; it has to be worth getting to. And yet it can’t be packed too tight; that just makes it trite and ridiculous. Anyway, this is essentially what I have right now:

Well, there isn’t a boot, but there is a deserted beach, and it’s cold. The feeling is right in this image; it’s bleak – with tinges of blue, green and red – but it needs more, uh, Totoro wonder…

more Ursula sexuality…

more Mr. Fox furry, uh, fury……

…a sort of half naked cartoony world , I guess, but  cold…sort of like this…

But more…ahh! I’m still working on it! I’ll figure it out yet.

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