The Jade Elizabeth Effect

This blog, my bad side, receives an average of 70-100 visits per day. Screen Shot 2015-02-27 at 2.12.23 PMThe aim of these posts is to intrigue visitors with brief and, hopefully, insightful reflections on writing and life – and throw in the odd image. 20141130_073401All of that said, I am aware of what many virtual visitors are really looking for, and I even occasionally deliver on that. pinupMy post on Jade Elizabeth, of Bachelor/Playboy fame, underlines the parameters of this virtual world. Jade criesFrom January 29 through February 17, the blog maintained its normal humble traffic, and then suddenly tripled in one day and triple again the next, to only dwindle down again a week later. Jade Elizabeth chartWhether any of this surge of visitors stopped to read my “insights” is dubious at best.Kristen-Bell-Laughing-to-Crying


2 thoughts on “The Jade Elizabeth Effect

  1. The moral of the story – sex sells.

    How many, if any, bothered to experience your “insights” or were disappointed and immediately moved on? Let me guess…

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