To Blog or Not To Blog: Is That Even a Question?

I have drifted from the blog, back to be my former non-blogger state; issues arose, conflicts, work and drink alike. Clifton Bar2I have felt guilty about leaving the blog on its lonesome, a confused guilt of sorts, because I don’t know why I should care about doing it. I don’t and then I do, thinking about things that I might post, some of them vaguely interesting, some not so much. girls shoooting it upAnd there are moments that I actually enjoy it, the process of making it work most of all, and apparently I’m supposed to be doing this so as I can raise my profile when, one day, my work might be in demand. Screenshot (977)But this virtual platform and the jabbering nonsense that it represents subjects me to doublethink, having to reflect on what is a worthwhile waste of time. IMAG3789It’s a meandering, endless thing, and so I’ve had it in the back of my mind that a thousand posts would be something, something irrelevant, but a goal nonetheless. 20150106_074058Which means I have only 376 to go.

4 thoughts on “To Blog or Not To Blog: Is That Even a Question?

  1. Well you definitely have me hooked,.. I enjoy your parse prose (if that’s even a thing) and accompanying images,.. it’s like comics meets your inner mind.

  2. The race to 1,000! I am already trying to guess the subject of the 1,000th post…
    Bring on the hype!

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