Dear Agent;
Please allow me apologize for this form letter. Due to the great volume of literary agents wishing to represent authors today, I am unable to respond to any request personally.
I want to thank you for the opportunity of representing my work. I know that you have put a lot of passion into your professional practice and respect your efforts. However I am sorry to inform you that I will not be seeking your representation. It is vital for me to wholly believe in my agent before knowing anything about him or her.
This rejection is not a reflection on you in any way. I realize that you probably will find great success in representing others and encourage you in that enterprise.
The old reverse psychology form letter trick, or put another way, if the fish aren’t biting with one lour, change your hook.
Hook, line and sinker!
I like the shot of a person and a dog overexposed in the light. Struck me as representative of their souls fading away along with their enthusiasm.
“It is vital for me to wholly believe in my agent before knowing anything about him or her”; a dig at how literary agents refuse to get to know authors before rejecting/accepting their work?
Or how agents pretend to care.