Make no bones about it, Barrack Obama is the greatest President of the United States in the past 60 years. I say this despite the anti-Obama media barrage, the ceaseless mud slung by his political opponents and the embittered populace who have lost faith in a man who was once their desperate icon for hope.
The truth is that President Obama was set up to fail. The ridiculous expectations dumped on him demanded that he walk on water and then turn that into wine; anything less would be a failure. That’s the way everyone wanted it. It gave them a perfect scapegoat for unemployment, international strife, indeed whatever plague or natural disaster arose.
All anyone has to say is, “Obama’s let us down again,” and there is applause. This despite the facts, which are these:
a. Obama passed a bill that actually made health care more affordable, an achievement no other president has been able to achieve in the face of a sick political culture which believes in money more than well being.
b. Obama has reduced America’s military presence in the world, despite a war-hungry opposition, and worked to develop coalitions with anyone who will listen.
c. The economy has steadily improved every year under his administration, to where the financial markets now sit at record highs.
d. Obama has consistently endorsed social policies which promote understanding and acceptance of others, such as gay marriage. And although he has yet to succeed in the battle for gun control, he has stood firm for the reduction of automatic weapons.
e. Obama acknowledges the need to confront climate change and looks ready to put this issue at the top of his agenda in his final two years.
It’s actually surprising that there hasn’t been even more hate against the president. After all, not only has he directly challenged the establishment – and played golf with friends – but there is also the insidious problem this country has with skin color.
As high-minded as it might have sounded to have a black guy as president, there are some, a lot actually, that are tired of the idea and want to go back to way things were, everyone knowing their place, that kind of thing. The George Zimmerman verdict, unrest in Ferguson and choke-hold death of Eric Garner all speak to the fact that this is not going away any time soon.. Nevertheless, the elections are just a couple of days away, and as much as everyone seems to want to distance themselves from this leader of our time, only time will tell how bad a mistake it turns out they all made.
Read Maureen Dowd’s article for a more realistic perspective.
And BTW while you may cite a market chart that is straight up unemployment in place other than NYC remains a serious problem –
The Best president in the last 60 years – ever hear ofd the Berlin Wall????
You’re not endorsing Reagan, I hope, the one president who should have been impeached!
I don’t engage in silly “greatest…” arguments fueled by Sports talk radio. Do I endorse Reagan’s efforts to tear down the Wall – yes, anyone who doesn’t should go live in Putin’s world. I endorse political figures with something more than opining he’s the “greatest…” I use my vote.
I agree that hyperbolic statements like ‘greatest’ are over-used. My point is simply that Obama was expected to achieve expectations that were not humanly possible.
In regards to the wall, if anyone should be credited for it coming down, that would have to be Gorbachev, while Reagan’s legacy is really founded in the engineering of Iran-Contra, financing Jihadists in Afghanistan, supporting Hussein, fueling Voodoo Economics and firing 40,000 air traffic controllers.