Horoscopes are stupid. Honestly, how could it possibly matter which day you were born? All of these planets that are supposed to be in and out of line are millions of miles away. They cannot have any affect on who were are as individuals.Damn right, I’m Sagittarius. I say it how it is. You’re born, and it’s all suffering and death after that.
Although, to be completely honest, I’m not a full-blooded Sagittarian. I was born on the cusp with Capricorn.
Which this is a good thing for me. After allI, as mean as I am, I am always right.
Maybe there’s something to these horoscopes after all.
Love it 🙂
A fellow Sagittarian?
And I’m Cancer – so I’m a keeper! Darn right! (Now mind you I also have an affinity to take over conversations and drift them my way as being a stutterer, I can’t always live with the difficulties of keeping to your conversational points,.. and as my mother committed suicide just as I was venturing out as an adult, I have tendencies to not develop deep trust or love in others for fear that I will be hurt by them, but other than that never lose me as I’m also a pretty darn good skier and it would be fun to go skiing together some time.)
You are keeper! But I’m a snowboarder and bad one at that. Conversations, chainsaws and scotch are my forte.