The best thing about Toronto Blue Jay Edwin Encarnancion’s home run against the Miami Marlins on June 9th wasn’t the swing. It wasn’t the look.
It wasn’t the trot.
It wasn’t the celebration at home plate of the walk-off win
It wasn’t even the high five with BJ Birdie.
It was the moment when this Sportsnet reporter got shrugged off.
Oh, the desperation! The indignation!
“Edwin?! Edwin, please!!”
Shucks – and we fans missed the moment when said SportsIdiot reporter could ask the first question taught in Sports Reporting 101 (and a question on the multiple choice final exam – “What is the first question you ask after a “walk off” home run? (a) you headed to Disney Land (b) How does ii feel…) – “Edwin how does it feel?” because we fans want to and don’t know…
Yanks are keeping a close tab on you guys.
Exactly. I couldn’t have phrased it better myself.