Terence Malick’s “Knight of Cups”

Words float through: Empty. Death. Grasping. Terence Malick's "Knight of Cups"The camera drifts underwater, everything a sweeping, swinging visual. Terence Malick's "Knight of Cups"Redeem my life. Justify it. That blinded you. Terence Malick's "Knight of Cups"I turned you upside down, my son. Longing for something other. Terence Malick's "Knight of Cups"There’s isn’t a story, just characters who stand about, some playing handsies. Terence Malick's "Knight of Cups"Nobody’s home.
Knight of CupsYou have to fly. Fly. Knight of CupsHigh up. Everything’s just a…speck.Terence Malick's "Knight of Cups"

(Extracts from Knight of Cups in bold italics)