Nigel Baines

I couldn’t go in the water. It was too dark. And cold. Newfoundlabrador2010 006I had got the fish hook stuck. I just wanted to forget about it and make everyone walk away. But they wouldn’t.

“You have to go in,” the old woman said.

I kept pulling on the rod, moving it in every direction.

“I’ll go.” Nigel Baines stripped down to his underwear and went in, just like that. I watched his legs kicking up as he went down. It took him all of 15 seconds. He was hailed with warm towels and hugs.

“You can have as many grilled cheese sandwiches as you like! You deserve it.”

I was allowed to come too, but I didn’t. I stayed behind and stared into the dark water, that fearful place, and hated Nigel Baines.

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