Not Half There: Adrift in Turkey

My eyes were closed and I was in this narrow half gap between the back of one thing and the back of another. 20140710_162021I thought of the hard dirty sand at the far end and how it looked half round and half hard, each shape sticking out of the other. 20140710_110511I didn’t know what that meant, and I remembered this as if I had been here before, half asleep or completely in and then out, in this only the day before and years on. 20140703_170346I tried to turn my head out of that, remembering this secret half world that isn’t secret at all but a portal from one thing to the next, the jumping off point of the thing of me here and the thing of me there. 20140709_121019It seems that what I’m trying to do is take what I know from each, knowing that isn’t allowed, that it is probably illegal, indeed against the laws of thinking, the rules that keep me human, beyond being stupid, believing this is actually where my head might live. 20140711_090507I can only escape for so long and I know I will only come back to here and find that I never left. It seems like that anyway.

2 thoughts on “Not Half There: Adrift in Turkey

  1. Like cold delicious chocolate ice-cream in a hard white porcelain bowl. – love this one D

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