Characters must be drawn from life. I must experience them and the chaos they manifest, witness their actions and words and, more importantly, the fact that they think nothing of the consternation and astonishment they create. They live in their oblivion.
New York’s MTA is a dream place for characters.
Their reality is not an esoteric choice, a façade, but a stark awareness that they could come around the corner at any time and might even have a gun. I aim to do the thinking for them, to make sense of them through that process. And it is through that they enhance what I know about myself.
I just reviewed the editor notes on my novel, Anori; which can be summarized thus: The book is not engaging. The reader has no reason to turn the page. There are major problems with the narrative structure, scene arcs, character and dialogue. None of it is working.
I called the editor today, hoping for some sort of clarity, a way to move forward.
“What can I do you for?” He was out of breath, a dog barking nearby.
“My book.”
“Oh yes, your book.” A door closed and another opened. “Any questions about my notes?”
There was a long pause. I thought about making the entire conversation like that, one long pause. It seemed to be what Andy wanted. “I am sensing acrimony.”
“Acrimony? No, Phed? Why would you say that?”
“Your notes, Andy.”
“My notes are not personal, Phed. They are questions the reader would have. I have no opinion on you, as a writer or a person.”
“Your notes are repetitively negative, Andy. It’s very unsatisfying, to put it mildly.”
“The notes are only my opinion. If the book is working in your head, then your book is working in your head. I won’t argue with that.”
“Look, Andy, I want to make the story work, obviously I want that, and I need criticism to move forward, but there is not one positive thing that you cited in the story.”
“I appreciate you put a lot of work into it, Phed.”
“That’s what I mean by unsatisfying comments, Andy. What is that supposed to mean to me? That you think I deserve a ribbon for putting work into it?”
“It’s poetic, isn’t it?” There was something else going on in the background, a coffee grinder or compactor. “I found your writing unsatisfying too.”
“What does that even mean, Andy?”
“Your choices did not satisfy me as a reader.”
I was close to hanging up. “Okay, for one thing, you cite over and over again how my dialogue does not work, that characters don’t listen to each other.”
“Looks like we have a real bowl of unsatisfying here.”
I didn’t know if ‘unsatisfying’ was supposed to be a joke. “You didn’t like any of the dialogue? None of it?”
“It isn’t about what I like, Phed. This isn’t about what I like.”
“It seems like you’re speaking German and I’m speaking Italian.”
“Your characters don’t listen to each other.”
“I’m trying to do something different, Andy. Literary Science Fiction. Story arc and character development don’t fall into the same expectations.”
“The reader has to want to turn the page, Phed. They have to be satisfied.”
“Thanks for the tip.”
“Like I said–“
“Yeah, I got it. It’s not personal. You’re just the reader’s eyes.”
The conversation went around like that until I got sick of it and hung up. The worst of it was that I paid him $3000 for that very service. Yes, I paid him $3000 to tell me that the reader will not bother to turn the page. And what’s worse – worse than worst – is that I paid someone else another $2500 to work on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for this blog, which created no traction and hence no results. And so I’m now out $5500 with no prospects for readers on the horizon in either medium.
And what’s even worse (worse than worse than the worst) is that my wife now tells me that nobody reads blogs anymore. And so what am I even doing here? Oh, and what’s worse than that (yes, worse than worse than worse than the worst) is that nobody bothered to even read to this point, due to my unsatisfying sense of narrative, scene arc, character and dialogue, and so clicked off long ago. (Although if you did stay, I humbly thank you, and will buy you a drink when we meet again.)
Dan Simmons’ epic novel Hyperionis a Hugo Award winner, highly praised in the science fiction world and evidence of why I cannot read anymore of the genre. Sci-fi should lend itself to dynamic narratives, to worlds beyond our repetitively predictable laws, but instead becomes mired in the same dreadful aspects: unimaginative writing, flat characters, ill-thought plot and unbelievably stupid words put together in the guise of world-building.
The second law of writing (after Keep It Simple Stupid) would have to be Never begin with “It was a dark and stormy night”. And yet Simmons opens: Bruise black clouds silhouetted a forest of giant gymnosperms while stratocumulus towered nine kilometers high in the violent sky. Lightning rippled along the horizon. (3)
Simmons’ protagonist, The Consul, is singularly bland: (He) turned and dropped into the cushions…nodded and absently raised the scotch to his lips…went to pour another scotch…went outside to lean on the railing…the only sentient being on an unnamed world. (4-6) Sentient? Really?The story jolts forward, Chaucerien style, with each of the seven characters debating whether to share their back-stories:
“Those in favor of telling our tales?”
“I wouldn’t miss this little farce for a month in the orgasm baths at Shote.”
“I think it’s stupid,” said Brawne Lamia.
“The ayes have it. Who wants to start?”
(It’s a shame that they agreed; otherwise Hyperion would have been 400 pages lighter.)
They arrive on the planet Hyperion where the innkeeper informs them: “No food. No wine. No ale.” (113) And yet…a page later: Somehow Leweski had managed to send up a tankard of beer and a basket of bread and cold beef. (114) Truth is, the comically bad narrative often acts as a relief against a backdrop of nonsensical babble: If the fleet did construct a farcaster in time and the Hegemony committed the total resources of FORCE to defending Hyperion, the Worldweb ran the terrible risk of suffering an Ouster attack….yeah, and on.