It seems to me that to eliminate prejudice, we just have to get rid of time zones. I know that time zones seem like a practical system for everyone, and it only starts with a measly one-hour difference. Yes, it is all so sensible, but then the hours become two and three, and before you realize what’s happened, it’s turned into a matter of night and day.
Think about how off-putting it is to realize that your noon is another’s midnight, your breakfast someone else’s dinner.
Seeing the world only from a lone time zone is skewed and detrimental to all. Saying one is a few hours ahead, another a day behind is judgmental, making for a wholly classist understanding for what should be a common human experience.
Why can’t we all be equal, all of us together in a fuzzy land of uncertainty, unaware of our own self-centric time? No more of this self-centered living. It is time to embrace and love the all of our communal experience.
Or maybe I should try to get a good night’s sleep.