Combat Fishing in Campbell River

I just returned from a salmon fishing excursion to Campbell River, British Columbia._MG_4340 I had expected to be quietly drifting along the coast, maybe even catching a few of the 45 million salmon reported to be running up the rivers.

Instead I found a gaggle of 60-70 boats going back and forth in a narrow, in and out of each other, fighting for the fish; it’s referred to as “combat fishing” by the guides._MG_4316I didn’t fish so much as have the rod handed to me by the guide when there was a bite and then just reel that in as best as I could. (I batted .500)_MG_4321It was an odd experience, complete with one boat even running over a seiners’ nets, not like my childhood memory from many years ago, sitting there in the cold with father, hanging on to my rod and staring down into the infinite blue, catching mostly dogfish. 20140709_120958I did however catch more fish this time (4 times as many); I’m still trying to understand if that makes it all worthwhile.

“Say Peynir, Please.”

I don’t like taking pictures of people in public when I’m on vacation. IMG_3766It feels like I’m an anthropologist studying their habitat.

I made an exception on my recent visit to Istanbul. IMG_3624I gave this street musician a dollar, and he seemed happy to pose for the picture. IMG_3623Whatever the success of the image, it still feels like I molested him.

Ruins Throwdown: Termessos vs. Ephesus

I know nothing about antiquity. Let me start with that. I cannot distinguish between Hellenistic and Roman architecture, let alone Doric, Ionic and Corinthian columns. IMG_4203But I do know what I like about these ancient sites: the wonder of a place lived in so long ago and the time to imagine what the times might have been like to experience. IMG_4229Ephesus, on Turkey’s west coast, is heralded as second only to Pompeii in its magnificence as an entire city almost left intact; however instead of conveying wonder, it has been obscenely reconstructed and is awash with tourists. 20140711_093325Termessos, a ruin a few hundred miles to the east, is not so well tramped and is a place for the imagination to run wild. IMG_3942Straddling a low mountainous pass, the Pisidian city offers a remarkable necropolis complex, colonnade and theater, to say nothing of unparalleled views for miles around. IMG_4024Yes, it was hot –  almost 100 degrees – and steep, and our water ran short, but there was an abundance of solitude and silence, allowing this long gone world to almost open, even if just a crack.IMG_3964

Jose Saramago Updates “Cain”

Cain and Abel were, according to the Old Testament, two sons of Adam and Eve.
20140627_134848Cain is described as a crop farmer and his younger brother, Abel, as a shepherd. Cain was the first human born and Abel was the first human to die. 20140627_134224Cain committed the first murder by killing his brother. Interpretations of Genesis have typically assumed that the motives were jealousy and anger. 20140627_142100Jose Saramago offers a different story in his final work, Cain, stating that Cain killed Abel because he couldn’t kill God. 20140629_143653Saramago’s Cain states: Our god, the creator of heaven and earth, is completely mad.


Only a madman unaware of what he is doing would admit to being directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and then behave as if nothing has happened, unless of course it’s not a case of real, authentic madness, but evil pure and simple.20140629_170419

(Photos: Istanbul, a 2600-year-old city of 14 million people and many old things.)

Fromaggi d’Estate

Another great thing about summer is the cheese.20140623_134336Si, la mozzarella da buffala, il gorgonzola, la fontina, il parmigiano, l’emmenthal. 20140623_134347And forgetting about things like the cholesterol.

The Being That Exists is Man Alone

We alone exist.
Nothing else is. Syria 016Not rocks.IMG_3536Not trees. 20140221_152955Not hares. IMG_3411These things are just ideas in our heads.

IMG_3506We is it.Phone 016

(A loose translation of Martin Heidegger’s Man Alone Exists.)

Here is Where You Aren’t

It’s always where you’re not. 20140328_192043You try to find it, knowing it won’t be there. Or maybe it is there, an instant, through a crack, sudden and clear. 20140328_185705And then it isn’t. Like music. You remember and think. You dream of getting back there to how it once was. It’s a disease like that. 20140328_194318The only trick is to forget.

Philosophy Dictates

Philosophy dictates that we must continue down the same path, always the same, down, wanting more, knowledge perhaps, consuming, further ensconced in our depravity. This dictum is written in our genetic core. So they say. IMAG1988When you think about it, you might realize that you aren’t supposed to think for yourself.

When you think about it, you might want to remember what you have done.
IMAG3654When you think about it, you could remember who you are. And not be so trite.
IMG_3401What if I want to stay as I am. no further down, maybe even returning, clearer, more of what I was? When I think about it, I could do that.

Grief: Not News.

Conjecture on missing Malaysian Flight 370 might make for a good story, even if the cable channels bleed it dry.Grief: Not NewsThat said, relentlessly filming grieving relatives is not news. Nor will it ever be.

If these ambulance-chasers really want to get to the bottom of this kind of misery, all they have to do is read Agamemnon, indeed any Greek tragedy. Grief: Not NewsFailing that, they could kill each other – or go missing – and their relatives could be interviewed instead.Grief: Not News.The problem being that no one in their families would care, knowing the disingenuous and self-serving nature of these jabbering shits.

Downtown Los Angeles: Communication Breakdown

We saw many surprising things in Downtown Los Angeles.20140315_11454420140314_13001220140315_165051And I was going to call my mother to tell her all about it. 20140315_14100920140315_131349But I blogged about it instead.20140315_115107