We Have an Expiration Date

I have blogged on my concerns for the future as of late, a dread that worsens daily. Henri Charriere concludes his opus of astonishing escapes, Papillon, with the following thought: We have too much technological progress, life is too hectic, and our society has one goal: to invent still more technological marvels to make life easier and better.

The craving for every scientific discovery breeds a hunger for greater comfort and the constant struggle to achieve it. All that kills the soul, kills compassion, understanding and nobility. It leaves no time for caring what happens to other people.

Charriere wrote those words in 1970, 53 years ago. And how much worse is it now? And how much worse is it going to get? (HInt: Much fucking worse.)

Philosophy Dictates

Philosophy dictates that we must continue down the same path, always the same, down, wanting more, knowledge perhaps, consuming, further ensconced in our depravity. This dictum is written in our genetic core. So they say. IMAG1988When you think about it, you might realize that you aren’t supposed to think for yourself.

When you think about it, you might want to remember what you have done.
IMAG3654When you think about it, you could remember who you are. And not be so trite.
IMG_3401What if I want to stay as I am. no further down, maybe even returning, clearer, more of what I was? When I think about it, I could do that.