Friday Words XXIV: Apotheosis

The highest point in the development of something as in “Many believe that The United States reached its apotheosis some time ago.”

Can also mean the elevation of someone to a divine status as in “Trump considers him the most likely to achieve apotheosis in the room.”

Friday Words XXII: Entropy

Entropy is defined as “lack of order or predictability, and hence a gradual decline into disorder.” In other words, entropy presents the disquieting idea that no matter what system is put into place, it will eventually disintegrate into chaos and randomness.

I hate entropy (even if it doesn’t care about being hated). I love order. Everything is about organization for me, not just in the streets and society, but in my home. I can’t focus on what I need to do unless my desk is in order, emails sent and a plan is set. Nothing is better than that.

And yet the forces are out there – discrimination, environmental decay, laziness, etc. – which underscore the impossibility of humanity ever working out. My goodness, we can’t even agree on pandemic protocols. What chance will we have when the stakes are raised? (Nil.)