There was no getting around it; we needed eggs, spring onions and a lime, bagels too. I had to go out into Winter Storm Jonas. We were on the outskirts of Sag Harbor, Long Island, only on the fringes of the storm, and so the snow wasn’t heavy yet, although the winds were strong and the roads empty.
Sag Harbor was deserted, the bagel place closed.
A lone jogger fought the winds as I ventured on. A trio of snowplows had emerged.
And the store was open, and everything was half off. Was this a Winter Storm Jonas Sale? No, they were closing for renovations the next day.
The roads were worse going back, branches down, the snow thicker.
We ate our bagel-less breakfast, watching the snow get worse.
I was glad we weren’t going out for dinner.
Tag Archives: Sag Harbor
Hurricane Sandy Cleanup: Sag Harbor
Some 25 trees were knocked down by Hurricane Sandy near our house. Three months later, with a little help from my friends, I’ve managed to finally fell, cut, split and pile it – a full five cords – for the winter.